Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Class is going to start here in a little bit and I have some down time so I figured I should describe my fabulous day at work today.
Work has been really hard the last week or so. The kids just can't seem to get into the routine and all of us in the classroom seem to have our hands full. I said a little prayer on my way to work and I know that it really helped today. I was able to work one on one with each of the students. This is really rare, especially since I am an aide and only there for four hours. I was just overwhelmed with the sweet spirits inside this bodies that don't allow them to share with me everything they know. I had sweet experiences with each of my students just today. I could see them smiling at me, telling me it was alright. Yesterday in our CPSE 410 class Michelle had said something about how one of her students had said she was mean. I would never want the students I work with to think that way of me and today I tried extra hard to smile and get quality time with them.

It paid off. I can't stop seeing each of their smiles when I close my eyes. The teacher I work with, Susan, also made a few comments on how well so and so was working with me today. I have finally found a way to communicate with them. Susan also said that the teacher I had worked with last year came and talked to her about how well I helped the class on Friday while Susan was at a training meeting. She said that she had been very impressed with my ability to work with the students. Now, I am not one to brag but this just brings me so much happiness. I have found recently that I am getting down on myself because classes are a lot tougher than I had thought they would be and I am struggling to stay on top of things. But when I am at work - I know what I am doing. I can test the students, I can teach them, I can communicate with them. That is how I know that I really am learning and I have the lucky opportunity of instantly applying my new knowledge.

Monday, September 29, 2008


This is quite possible the most amazing thing ever - and I have raved about it in so many of my classes. Tango is a fabulous communication device. It is innovative, simple, and geared towards kids. I have explored the emulator and I have seen the many uses it has. Students can make talking photo albums and share stories in class - even allowing them to participate in sharing time. It allows for complete interaction. The device asks questions like, "Guess what friends I played with?" then, "List my friends and I'll tell you which ones." This allows for the student to have a two-sided conversation, engaging the listener with questions. It also comes with so many voice options. Voices can be whispered, repeated, whinny, and even shouted.
My favorite about this device though, is that it actually looks cool. What kid wouldn't want to be playing with it! It is not like a palm pilot or some PDA device. It actually looks like a cool little gameboy and any kid would love to tote that around at school.
I am still in awe at the simplicity yet amazing communicative power this device holds.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Voice Thread

VoiceThread is amazing. It makes e-mail seem old fashion. Watching it I automatically thought of how it could keep me connected with my family while they are living back at home and I am at school. Watching the thread on the dragon reminded me of something my brother would have done and how much fun my family and I would have had with it.
Now using it in the classroom - students could have so much fun. There is so much to explore and the children can upload pictures from vacations and with the help of parents, narrate the the trip. It is also a great way to do show and tell. Pictures can put up pictures of pets, siblings, or a favorite toy/activity. It is also a way for parents and teacher to keep in constant communication. They can post activities and discuss scores and concerns.

Josh's Story

I watched Josh's story right after class last Tuesday and got lost watching related videos.

Josh's story is amazing. He had such improvement over such a small amount of time. He not only improved in educational skills but he was apparently much more social after the help of the bookworm. His teacher had such patience and saw the impact this technology was having on her student. She learned how to incorporate it into the classroom and allowed him to read to other students. She drew the tool into the classroom. It was such an inspirational story.

While I was watching Josh's story I saw a link for a video on Savant Autism. I was completely enthralled and enjoyed the section where they talked with Kim Peek. At one point he said, "You don't have to be handicapped to be different because everybody's different." Such a profound and true statement.

Monday, September 22, 2008

There is sunshine in my soul today

My very first class in the Special Education program was with Tina Dyches and she opened it with a spiritual thought I will never forget. It comes from a talk by President Merrill J. BHeathateman. Here is a link to the talk. The story I love is at the very end - right before he closes. It begins with the subtitle "Hymns Facilitate the Bearing of Testimony".
What a touching story. How can someone doubt that these students are special. They have a light - they literally glow. I have never seen sweeter smiles than those on the adorable faces of the students I work with. As their teachers, we must find a way to give them patience and help them feel His love.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

I am Sam

It was Friday night and I found myself home early from a dinner and all alone. I turned on the TV and found I am Sam, a movie I had never seen before but obviously always thought would be interesting.
It was such a well done film and I haven't been able to stop thinking about it since. At one point Sam says, "Yeah, you don't know what is like when you try, and you try, and you try, and you try, and you don't ever get there! Because you were born perfect and I was born like this, and you're perfect!"
How many of our students want us to see that they are trying? These kids are doing all that they can do communicate, to get us to understand. I think this is something that as teachers we need to always remember. Our students won't be capable of the impossible but they are capable of many little miracles. We need to be patient and know that they are trying.

All About Me!

My name is Nicole Tatjana Thorkelson, but most just call me Tati. I am the oldest of five children, three sisters and one lucky brother. My family means everything to me and I love them with all of my heart. I was born here in Provo while my parents were studying at BYU. Before my next sister was born we moved down to Orange County and for the most part I have grown up in San Diego.
Being a Cougar Baby, my biggest goal in life was to one day be a cougar. I am now working on my third year and I am the biggest cougar fan there might be. My schedule revolves around football, basketball, volleyball, and even hockey games. This is where my social life is. I have even camped outside the Marriot for three days just for good tickets to the BYU vs. UofU basketball game.
I was born a water baby - I love the water. I swam all through high school and have enjoyed wakeboarding, tubing, wakesurfing, the beach, and any other imaginable activity in the water. I also discovered my love for children with disabilities during my high school years. They loved me even when I didn't love myself and for that I owe them everything.
I come from a rich cultural background. My grandma is from Argentina and thanks to her I love everything and anything that had to do with the Latino culture. Sadly, I didn't grow up speaking spanish. Spanish was my mom's first language and my dad served in Paraguay so they both speak fluently. This sparked my desire to study abroad and just this summer I spent two months studying in Guadalajara, Mexico. I loved it and had some of the most amazing adventures.
I am happy with my life and where it is going. Making it into the Special Education program was my biggest goal since being accepted at BYU. Life doesn't get much better.

Monday, September 15, 2008

What do I want to learn?

There is so much more out there than I thought.

There are more uses for technology in a special education classroom than I thought. In my work setting I now notice the simple technologies we use and how much they make a difference in the classroom. I am looking forward to learning about more assistive technologies.

TPCK was interesting - I never realized how separated content, pedagogy, and technology are really separated. I loved the idea of good teachers being adaptive and learning by doing. I have a new goal of working to get TPCK into complete unity because it is a "basis of good teaching."

Wiki's and RSS

In class last Tuesday we discovered some of the amazing tools the internet holds.

I had no idea what a wiki was or why on earth anyone would want a RSS reader. They are such convenient little tools that save time and make communication easier.
We watched videos on the internet - "Wikis in plain english" and "RSS in plain english" - that gave off all the basic functions of these new internet fads. I highly recommend these videos. While they are cheap in production, they are clever and allow anyone to understand Wikis and the RSS readers.

I thought I knew quite a bit about computers and the internet and all the fun things we can do - but now I look forward to this class and all the extra information it will give me.

Monday, September 8, 2008

Technology Pedagogical Content Knowledge: A Framework for Teacher Knowledge

1. In your own words, please explain the TPCK framework model. You should include a brief description of each knowledge area: Content, Pedagogy, and Technology as well as PCK, TPK, TCK, TPCK.
  • Content -The knowledge had by the teacher.
  • Pedagogy - The actual act and art in teaching.
  • Technology - Aids created to help advance the teaching and learning methods.
Looking at the three components in pairs
  • PCK - Pedagogical Content Knowledge = necessary relationship between pedagogy and content
  • TPK - Technological pedagogical knowledge = necessary relationship between technology and pedagogy
  • TCK - Technologicancontent knowledge
The combination of all three components
  • TPCK - Technological pedagogical content knowledge.
2. In the article, the authors talk about the “essential tension” that exists between the three aspects of knowledge: content, pedagogy, and technology. What do you think that they mean by essential tension? (p. 1029)
  • One of the three aspects is the reason we make certain decisions concerning the other 2 aspects. There is a tension connecting the 3 and without this tension they ultimately cannot work together.
3. What kind of understanding does TPCK require? (p. 1029)
  • TPCK requires an understanding that content, technology, and pedagogy are complexly intertwined. Their relationship is complex and this must be understood in order for a teacher to create "appropriate, context-specific strategies and representations." All three aspects have to be considered not in isolation but in unity.
4. How do think teachers are to acquire an understanding of the TPCK? (p.1031)
  • Teachers need to be trained in the use of basic technology. They need to unlock the power found with basic understanding in hardware and software packages. Although, this is not all. Teachers must then use technology on a regular basis in a classroom and therefore keep up with the ever changing advancements of technology.
5. What are some of the reasons that emphasis on competencies and checklists are inherently problematic?
  • The rapid rate of technology change
  • Inappropriate design of software
  • The situated nature of leaving
  • Emphasis on what, not how
6. In your own words, describe what “learning technology by design” means?
  • Learning technology by design is a hands on approach to allowing teachers to learn how to use technology. Teachers are taught by doing rather than sitting in a lecture and trying to learn how to use the computer without it in front of them. It allows them to get to know the program with someone to go to when questions arise.
7. Do you agree or disagree with Shulman’s argument on page 1046 about the goal of teacher education? Why?
  • I agree. Teachers cannot all be trained to act in one specific way. Different problems arise and different needs need to be met. A teacher must be able to use a sound judgement in assessing the situation and then acting upon it.